Feature Article

Duluth Packs, MN

Carrying America

by James Gibbons

What happened to American’s buying goods because they were durable and lasted a lifetime? America has become a throwaway society. Nowadays, American’s are sold cheaply made products that are simply tossed out when the product breaks. No one really cares where their garbage goes.

You can stop being part of this type of throwaway lifestyle by purchasing products from Duluth Pack.   Duluth Pack produces backpacks, leather bags, dog beds, outdoor goods, luggage, and much more right here in America. Their most highly reviewed item is the Wanderer Backpack. Its made in America and Guaranteed for life. According to one customer, his father had a Wanderer Backpack and bought him one as a child. Now he bought one for his son and he is still using all 3 backpacks. These backpacks are great for camping, hiking or even just for school. See Duluth Packs You Tube video describing their Wanderer Backpack.

According to their website, the original Duluth Pack was patented in 1882 by Camille Poirier and their first retail store opened in the West End of Duluth Minnesota in 1911. Duluth Pack employs numerous Americans and is very active in the community offering frequent outdoor programs.

Duluth Pack’s website has an enormous selection of great American made products. You can also visit their retail store in Duluth Minnesota. I was so impressed with their products that I purchased a Wanderer Backpack myself while writing this article.  I’ll let you know how long it lasts.